Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 1: You are of INFINITE worth!! :)

YAY!! I've been so excited to start this book! So here we go!! :D

Week 1: The first challenge this week was to consider the word "worth". It was so cool cause it seemed like where ever I looked that word popped up. Pinterest.... Church.... etc... It was literally everywhere! So from Wednesday-Saturday I just thought of the word. I thought of my worth, the worth of others, the worth of the scriptures, this gospel... Basically I just tried to think and research about it, then on Sunday I did the scripture reading and then continued to think about it until the week was over. 

So in the first half of the week my thoughts were pretty mediocre. "The worth of souls is great in the sight of God..." etc. etc. But then Sunday I had a lesson in Relief Society that really got me thinking, then when I came home and did the scripture study it just completely changed my entire thoughts. 

You see the first day I started this journey I had just said "good-bye" (if you will) to my boyfriend of 2 years.... for 2 years. He left September 18, 2013 for his mission in the Rapid City South Dakota Mission. And although I couldn't be more excited/proud of him, it is seriously one of the hardest things I have EVER had to do. But anyways our lesson in Relief Society was about our plan and our divinity. And that's what got me thinking. It was so hard to say good-bye to my future eternal companion... Can you imagine how hard it must have been for our Heavenly Father to say "good-bye" to us... His precious child? Then you really start thinking.... Not only did He have to part with us, but to send us down here, to this very mortal world with very mortal experiences. He sent us down here knowing that we would have trials, and illnesses, and sadness, and sorrow, and pain, and temptations, and sins, and guilt, and heartbreak. But how very lucky we are that our Father in Heaven loved us enough to say that "good-bye" and to send us down here. Because although we would experience these not so good things, Heavenly Father knew that we would have experiences down here that would be some of the happiest things we will ever know. Because we came down here we get to have a life, and bodies, and to make life, and be a parent, and grow, and learn, and have temples, and eternal families, and happily ever afters!  

I came home and studied the scripture. 3 Nephi 11. 

Do you know how much God loves you? He loves you so much that He gave his only begotten Son for you. Jesus Christ loves you so much that He offered His life in the most painful, brutal way, He drank from the bitter cup, He took all of your sins and your mistakes, so that YOU could return to live with your Heavenly Father. So that that HARD "good-bye" wouldn't be an ETERNAL good-bye. He did what He did because He loves you. He loves you so much! And all He wants is for us, HIS CHILDREN, HIS BROTHERS AND SISTERS to be HAPPY. That's it. That's all He wants. And when we finally figure out that the only true happiness comes from Him and His gospel, nothing can bring us down. So in conclusion, DO NOT forget your INFINITE worth!! When you feel alone or unloved or unhappy, remember Him. Remember He who loves you. He loves you NO MATTER WHAT! He smiles when you smile and when you cry He matches every tear with one of His own. There is nothing you can ever do to make Him stop loving you! And that is truly comforting to me! 

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