Thursday, December 26, 2013

Week 12: A Wise Master-builder... Bring Your Finest

Like baking... If you want the best, most delicious, amazing dishes, you of course want the best, most delicious, amazing ingredients.... and so it is with building. The beauty of our temples has always amazed me. Never have a seen a more beautiful, perfect building that wasn't one of the Lord's houses...

I remember a story about a temple being built.. and during the night vandalists had snuck into that holy temple and vandalized the walls with gruesome graffiti. The prophet, upon seeing the horrific vandalism, instructed that it was to be removed and taken care of... Well painters came in and repainted the wall covering the graffiti. By the time they were done you would never have known that the walls had once been covered in filth. The prophet came back in to inspect the work and looked at the wall which now seemed white and perfect... but kindly the prophet asked if the graffiti had been removed or simply covered. When they told him it had just been painted over he asked if they would take a sander, grind down the walls and remove the filthy words before painting the wall again. 

There was also a story about the building of a temple where the pioneers were asked to give there all and sacrifice their best to the building of this temple. There was many pioneer woman who had inherited very fine and precious china, some had gold designs and beautiful, precious markings. These woman took their most prized possession to the temple and unwrapped their precious china from the cloth they so carefully stored them in. Giving up their beautiful dishes they went home to care for their families. The china was carefully ground up and mixed into the cement for the bricks. Later the woman went back to the finished temple and notice the beautiful glow that sparkled around the outside of the glorious building, but up close they notice that the sparkle and shimmer the gleamed around the temple came from none other than pieces of their beautiful possessions, now there for all to see.  

I love these stories and sometimes compare them to myself.

Am I giving my best when I am building myself?

I am not a perfect person... of this I am sure. But how many times have I, like the painters, took the walls vandalized with my sins, and simply covered them up rather than removing the sins altogether? I, without my Savior can simply only cover them up. I can not remove them, I can only cover them up and hide them away. 

And second, am I giving my best to the Lord? 

When Christ came to earth He gave us the greatest sacrifice... He died for me. He died for you. He died because He loves us and wants us to return to our Father in Heaven. He gave us the most precious gift that we could not give to ourselves. He sacrificed His life and for that I am eternally grateful. So... why is it so hard for me to sacrifice my best to give to Him. Like the pioneer woman, I have very precious and beautiful gifts... and I hope that I can be like them and be able to give them unto the Lord. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 11: And Still, The Builders Build...

If you ever drive down through the main road in Orem, Utah you will find two very large buildings on your right. Lost and abandoned, these buildings are incomplete and unfinished. Once upon a time they had a builder, and that builder had a dream. The building would be large among the many it stands next two. With the finest materials. It would hold many people and there would be many memories made in that building. It would be one that everyone would want to go in... just to see whats in side. It would be beautiful. But as life went on... funds run low, the building abandoned and unfinished, the dream burnt out.

As a child I always drove by the building with my parents and assumed that it was a castle they were building for a princess.. I never understood that the builder just gave up.

We are sometimes as the builder. We have a big dream ahead of us and a heart inside of us and we will reach that dream no matter what. Sometimes we dream of building ourselves with the finest materials, that people could see by our beautiful exterior that we are children of God, and they would want to know us just because of the happiness that surrounds us. Sometimes we dream of being that princess.. that would one day enter into that "castle", God's castle.. to be sealed for time and all eternity. Sometimes we dream of going to school and getting an education, or waiting for a missionary; our missionary, to come home and take us to that castle. We all have dreams, big and small, but sometimes as life goes on... our desires run low and our dreams burn out.

We can become discouraged and lost and abandoned. We can be tempted and tried to the point where we wonder if the dreams we were hoping for are even attainable at all. Satan tries to tell us we are not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, that there's no hope for us, that we're not worth it... but let me tell you, HE IS WRONG!

You have a God that loves you. He is yours and He loves you so much that He sent His son, Jesus Christ to die for us. To build us. Don't give up. No matter how lonely, or lost, or abandoned, or broken, or depressed, or sad, or unforgivable you think you are... you are NEVER too far away for the Savior's love. Turn to Him for the help you need to not only endure, but to have fun in the journey to your dreams. Keep on keeping on! Keep on building! Keep on pushing! You are worth it! And one day you will be in that castle, or at the very dream you once seen as unattainable, and you will look back and realize that those thing that once seemed so big, are but small stumbling points on your journey, and that those small stumbling blocks.... are the things that shaped you and built you into who you are today. So keep on building, and still, the builders build.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week 10: Location, Location, Location.....

As a builder for Christ, location is a very important aspect of how well we can build. No matter how hard you try you cannot dig a foundation in the middle of the ocean.

In Genesis there is a story about a man named Lot and the people he was with. Lot chose to face his tent towards the wicked city of Sodom, while others chose to face their tents toward the temple. Lot's choice eventually led to his captivity... but what about the choice of those who faced their tents towards the temple?

I recently just finished a book called "Paper Towns" by John Green. (SPOILER ALERT!!!) It is about a girl who is popular and has a car and is beautiful and lives a very nice life... at least in the worldly sense. Margo the girl in the book seeks escape... to build herself. She reads of this paper town in New York. Paper towns are towns that don't really exist. They are fake towns created by the map maker to keep other people from copying their maps without consent. She reads of this town called Agloe. It was a paper town until someone came along and built a General Store then making it an extremely small town, population zero. Even though Margo has a great and wonderful worldly life, she seeks more. So she runs off to the town of Agloe to build herself.

Although this book wasn't even church related, maybe there is something we can learn. When we are in the wrong location can we build ourselves? Can we build ourselves when we are surrounded by groups of people facing the wrong way?

So yes I must face my tent towards the temple but what can I do for others who's tent is in the wrong direction? What if Lot would have had a pal that was like "Hey bro, come sit in my tent for a while. We can look at the temple and listen to the messages. It'll be so fun!"I know it sounds a little crazy and they probly wouldn't have said it like that but it makes you wonder. What if someone could have helped him turn his tent? All the time we travel through misguided "tents", but what would happen if we took the time to take down the tent carry it to the temple and plant it so far deep into the ground that it can "be not moved"? This my friends, is missionary work.

I recently read a quote that said, "You may feel like you are on the wrong path, but as long as your sights are on  the temple, the path is always correct!" How comforting! This life may be full of trail and temptation and we may wander and feel lost and hopeless, but I promise you as long as your sights are on the temple it is ALWAYS right! Our lives will never be picture perfect.... our paths will never be straight.... and sometimes we have to check out several locations before we know we are headed in the right direction. But I beg and plead that your sights be on that temple... it doesn't matter how you get there or how long it takes.. if your sights are on the temple, YOU WILL GET THERE!!!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Month 3: BECOME A BUILDER---How Is It That He Cannot Instruct Me That I Should Build?

We all know of the notorious chapter in Nephi where the Lord instructs Nephi to build a ship. No Nephi was not a ship builder, he had never built a ship and I doubt he had even taken a ride in one. But I love Nephi's response to the Lord. He did not say "I can't build one I don't know how" or even "how do I construct a ship" but rather his response was "Where can I find the material needed to build tools?"

How willing was Nephi? He was given a task that was heavy even for someone who knows how to build a ship but Nephi knew God would help Him. He knew that he was not alone and that the Lord would help him along the way. After all, is any task to big for our Father in Heaven?

In 1 Nephi 17:51 Nephi says, "If the Lord has such great power.... how can He not instruct me?"

Sometimes I wonder if I overlook what Nephi is trying to say. I praise the Lord on His power and His knowledge. I have faith that He is molding me into what He wants me to become. I trust that He knows me better than I know myself and that because of that He knows exactly what I need. HE IS ALL!! He is alpha and omega! He created all things.... this bed I am sitting on, the food I just ate, the computer I am using to speak to you, the scriptures I read every night, the skin on my body, the love in my heart, the thoughts in my mind, the blood pumping in my veins, and the soul that flows through me. He created me.... and just as He created me, He created you. How could He not know the very thing He spent so much time to create?

If I know that the Lord has all this power, how then, can He not instruct me?

The Lord knows us. He knows our desires and our fears, our hopes and our failures, our joy and our pain. He knows our struggles and our tears. The only thing that holds back his instruction is YOU.

Today in Gospel Doctrines the teacher explained that when our minds have a question it truly seeks an answer for it, it is as if a Velcro strip has been implanted in the back of our mind. We can be taught and taught and taught but until that Velcro strip is there we will not retain any of the knowledge.

God knows the answers... but sometimes we must ask the questions. Sometimes we must want something to cling to our Velcro so badly that we must truly desire Him to teach us. Sure He has the knowledge, He has the answer, but until we want to know of it He can't share it. He won't share until we ask.

Why then is it so hard to ask? We know He has the answers. We know He has the power... so why then is it so hard for me to just get down on my knees and ask. Perhaps if we would go to Him first with our questions... this life would be a whole lot easier.

Someone once said, "That which I HAVE I can easily give you, but that which I AM you must obtain yourself." We will never know of something until it has bombarded our hearts. We will never truly learn something until it has been constantly running through our brain. As much as I want the lessons others have learned they won't become apart of me until I have obtained it myself.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 8: Become Willing To Consider Your Ways

In order to truly become willing we must be able to consider our ways. To consider our sins and bad habits and addictions.. 

There is a lady in my ward who I just love. She is so sweet and kind and a great missionary and a great example, but like us all she had a fault... she was addicted to nicotine. She stood up one day and told us that she had seriously thought about it and realized that because of her addiction was holding her family back. She wanted so badly to be sealed with her husband and her 2 kids in the temple, but her addiction was holding them all back. She stood in front of us all and humbled herself as she confided in us her deep dark secret. I'm sure she had to feel low and awful, but she asked us all to pray for her.... now here we are several months later and this lady has been nicotine free and went through the temple and is soon to be sealed to her family. 

What a great example she is to be truly willing. How can we truly become willing when we hold on to things that are holding us back? We HAVE to let go of these things.. In order to move forward we have to let go..
We have to consider our ways.. 

It might not be sins or addictions holding us back either. Perhaps it is our emotions or fears... 

One time I was struggling. I felt incredibly alone. I just wanted someone to love me. I knew my family and friends did but I wanted a lover. Someone to take me on dates and confide my secrets in. Someone to hold my hand and wipe away the tears. I was a good girl, I went to church and believed in every word, but no one came along. One particular night I was struggling, up in my room I was crying and angry. Why hadn't Heavenly Father answered my prayers? My mom came up and asked me a simple question. "Are you doing everything you can?" I was a good kid. I was doing good things but I was not doing everything. I decided that night to pick up my scriptures and read. After three nights of continuous scripture study my answer came in the heart of a blonde hair blue eyed boy. There's not a doubt in my mind that this is the man I am supposed to marry. I'd known him for years but it wasn't until I lost myself in Christ that I found him. How can we expect Him to do all these things for us when we can't do all the things he asks of us? 

Lose yourself in Him and you will find yourself there too. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 7: Reaching

READ- Luke 8:41-48 and Matthew 14:22-33

Sometimes we may feel as though we are drowning. Drowning in pain, drowning in stress, drowning in sorrow, drowning in sin, drowning in loneliness. In these moments of drowning it is so very important that we reach for Him. 

There are some phenomenal examples of reaching in the scriptures. 

There was Peter and his willingness to reach. When being tossed in the ship upon violent waves the apostles watched our Savior walk upon the water... Peter had a desire to also walk with Christ. After the Savior invited Peter to walk with Him upon the water, Peter stepped out of the water onto the uncertain, crashing waves. For a while Peter walked confidently, but soon Peter began doubting and started to sink. "Lord, save me." and  immediately Christ reached out His hand and lifted up Peter. 

Another story is of a woman who suffered a terrible blood disease, but after 12 years of suffering and her disease worsening she did not falter. She knew that if she could just reach out and touch Christ, even just His clothes, she would be healed. One day as Jesus was traveling through a larger crowd, she finally got her chance to touch Him. As she reached out and touched His robe He could feel His power leave Him. "Who touched me?" He asked. I could only imagine what she was feeling as she said it was her who had touched Him. But then the Savior kneels down to look at her (in her newly healed body) and said, "Daughter, be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole, now go thy way in peace." 

Sometimes I find that I am like Peter or even like the woman. I am sometimes broken, or drowning, or struggling, or doubting.... But with faith I know that if I will just reach for Him... He will reach back. When we reach for Him, He will always reach out to hold us. Sometimes there is a lesson to learn... If the woman could have immediately been healed she wouldn't have had as much faith (or even appreciation) for the miracle of being made whole, but if Peter hadn't have been reached out for and held up immediately he would have drowned. Sometimes His reaching comes immediately, and sometimes it just takes time. But know this, a prayer for strength NEVER goes unanswered. 

He knows you. He knows of your hopes and successes and desires and dreams and happiness... but He also knows your pain and sorrows and loneliness and stresses. He knows when you are drowning. And if you are faithfully willing to reach for Him, He will not sit back and watch you sink. He will save you. He will heal you. So please if you are drowning, DO NOT think you are alone. DO NOT turn to something else to take away that pain. REACH FOR HIM AND BE HEALED!!!! <3 :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Week 6: "Upon These I Write The Things Of My Soul"

This weeks post is a little belated due to my 19th BIRTHDAY!!!! But anyways... 

This weeks challenge was to act. I have had a really hard time connecting with these last couple of chapters but here's a few things I learned. 

She brings up one of the biggest hero's in the Book of Mormon... When Nephi first started writing he wrote "upon these I write the things of my soul.." Like we preserve the precious memories we make with loved ones in scrapbooks and pictures or keepsakes, we must also preserve the divine memories we make with our Heavenly Father. Although we may not have physical memories with our Heavenly Father we do share very deep and personal spiritual memories with Him. "Sometimes these moments come from reading our scriptures; other times they come during humble, heartfelt prayer. The Lord's spirit can be felt in the tearstained hours of trial and in the most tender moments of service. His spirit can sustain us through the deepest heartache and strengthen us to face our unmasked fears. The undeniable warmth that settles in our heart signifies His answer, accompanies His peace, and confirms His witness. These things of the Lord, these are the things we must remember." 
It is important for us to write down those divine spiritual guidances we receive from our Father in Heaven. This past General Conference I decided to make a conference notebook. With each talk we listened to I wrote down the things that really touched my soul. Although I have not referred back to that notebook yet I carry it in my purse... so that in times of need or a rainy day I can have that strong spiritual guidance with me. We should carry a spiritual journal with us. :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Month 2: The Name Written Always In Your Heart

Month 2: Becoming Willing

This weeks objective was to consider "The name written always in your heart."

The most important things we do in this life will be done in the name of Jesus Christ. After birth I was blessed in the name of Jesus Christ, at 8 I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, here in a couple years I will be sealed for time and all eternity to the love of my life in the name of Jesus Christ, I've said and will say many late night pleading prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, I've had the most special priesthood blessings in the name of Jesus Christ, I have taken countless sacraments in the name of Jesus Christ, I have repented and been forgiven because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, my children will experience these things in the name of Jesus Christ, I have acted in the name of Jesus Christ.... There are many things we do in His great and glorious name, but is His name written upon our hearts?

This chapter asked ways we can write His name in our hearts, but as I thought about it, it's not really us who does the writing. WE have to pick a tool and allow HIM to write it.

First we must open our hearts so that He can enter in, but we must also decide how He writes it. So have you let Him write His name upon your heart? If so, is it written in pencil? Can I be worn down and erased under pressure? Is it in washable marker? Is it in sharpie that slowly fades as time goes on? Or is it engraved and there to stay forever?

As much as I wish He engraved it in my heart I will be honest and say that it is probably more like sharpie. Although it is fairly permanent it sometimes fades in one spot or another. I touch it up every once in a while, but I wish it was permanent and there forever. That after all is the goal!

This next week I want to write His name not only on my heart but on my hand. I'm going to take a marker and write it on my hand every morning, then every time I look at my hand I will see His name. I'm hoping that it will make me think of Him often and help me through out the day, as well as making a more permanent mark on my heart.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Week 4: Becoming More..

This week was the final week in the first chapter and boy was it a good one. The challenge was to BECOME.... To apply everything I've learned this month and to continue on my journey to become more... "more Savior like thee..."

What does it mean to "become more"? Become more spiritual, more trustworthy, more kind, more patient, more understanding, more happy, more loving, more supportive, more perfect, more righteous, more friendly, more strong...... more what? There is so many things we could "become more" at.... which one should we choose?

Our journey is just like that of a butterfly. "It can't be shortened, and no one can do it for us. Think of a butterfly. Part of the transformation is a building process, which requires hard work and dedication from the caterpillar--first gathering strength and sustenance, then spinning and weaving. But that process in and of itself is not enough. The other part of the process requires a season of stillness, of patience, of waiting. It is the combination of the two that allows the caterpillar to be transformed from what it once was into what God intended it to be-- to become more. Just as a butterfly will die if the human hand assists the process, our transformation will not be complete without total effort on our part. It is the person natures of our experiences that enables the transformation to take place. Because of this, there is no process more insightful than becoming. It is the act of leaving behind something you already are in the hope of what you might become."

We are as caterpillars..... sometimes we are ugly, slimy, and gross!!! But you ARE intended for more! You were created with the purpose of becoming something far more beautiful and greater than what you have been! But like the caterpillar we have to be "all in"... We have to do everything that we possibly can to become more.... and then we wait. Once you have given everything you can you must be patient and allow Him to fill in for everything you just cannot do. He will transform you. He is the cocoon. He covers you. He protects you. He changes you! He makes you more!

So what do I need to become more of....? "More Savior like thee." That covers all the bases doesn't it? He lived so perfectly. He set the example. We want to be as He was. We want to be like Him. Through Him we become more.

This week I have realized that we become more when we help others become more. In others times of need and struggles... we can be there to support and uplift.... when we get down on our knees... when we learn who we are and who's we are.... when we serve the Lord and others.... when we read the scriptures.... when we keep the commandments.... when we learn to lean and trust in our Savior... when we understand and use the atonement... when we come together as companions and family.... This is when we are more! And the best thing is... there is no end!!! You can ALWAYS become more! Just like the caterpillar we will finally make our journey to become more and once we are finished we will have beautiful wings to fly!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 3: Come unto me

I don't think its any surprise that they used this saying alot during conference.

This weeks challenge was to ponder ways we can come unto Him.

We were assigned to read Matthew 5.

There is something about Matthew 5:1 that really stands out to me. It reads, "He went up into the mountain and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him. Often times I find myself praying ,"Heavenly Father please let me be near you." "Help me to become closer to you." Well He can be close to you. He is always near you. But in order for you to feel Him you must GO UNTO HIM! I liked how He was set up on a mountain and His disciples came unto Him.

He is set up on a mountain... higher than the rest of us. He is up higher where He can watch us. He sees us. He sees our journey and what we go through. He sees our actions and watches the things we choose to do. He is higher than we are. He is more perfect than we are. We can look up and see Him in all his glory. We want to be as He is so we must choose to make the hard journey up the mountain... but don't worry. Someone who loves you very much went before you. In fact He laid a path for you, a trail, and if you so happen to wander off the trail or slip and fall down the mountain, He is there.. He is at the top and He loves you so much that He will help you back up. He wants you back up. He wants you at the top with Him... all you have to do is make the decision to climb.... "Don't forget to look up."

As His disciples we must make the decision to follow Him, to come unto Him. This journey to become His WILL be life changing. But only to the extent that WE allow it. We must turn to Him. We must make time for Him. Sometimes we need to leave the multitude and come unto Him... even if it means we come alone. It is often in these times, by ourselves, that we can truly hear what He has to say to us. When we are alone in a quiet and peaceful place... truly searching for Him, He can come unto you and share the message He has prepared just for you.

Unlike His disciples of old we don't have to climb a mountain to hear Him. When you sit down at night to read your scriptures, when you kneel down daily for prayer, when you go to church and keep the commandments, when you listen and view media that is good, when you watch general conference or sing hymns.... there are many ways we can "Come unto Him." But we must first have the desire to be with Him in order for Him to meet us halfway.

You are a light on hill. You are held on the shiniest of candle sticks. Be not hidden under a bushel. Shine your light so that the whole world may see. Do not be afraid to shine. Share the gospel. Serve a mission. Love the Lord. But more importantly..... Come unto Him!! :) <3

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thankful Prayer Challenge :)

This week while surfing the internet like I do I came across a girl who I just love!!! Her name is Al Fox but she is also known as the tattooed Mormon. She is a convert to the church and just got married for time and all eternity to her husband. She is an LDS motivational speaker. She is so AWESOME!! :) 

Anyways on her blog she had challenged herself to a day full of thankful prayer. She picked a day and then set the rules. She would not ask for anything. In all her prayers she would only thank God. I decide to try it. Friday morning I knelt down and said my morning prayer. I thanked God for the things He had given me. It was pretty short sweet and to the point. But I noticed when I said my prayer before scripture study I thanked Him for the scriptures He had given me (rather than asking for His help and for His spirit in my study). It was an incredible scripture study. I read things that I really needed to hear. As I knelt down for my night time prayer I found it being rather lengthy. All the sudden I found myself unable to stop thanking my Heavenly Father for all that He had given me. I was able to really look at His hand in my life and at all the blessings I had been given. I guess what I really learned in this was to 1) not take His blessings for granted. If you woke up with only the things you thanked Heavenly Father for the night before what would you have... and 2) there is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS something to be thankful for! 

I really suggest trying this. It was such a great experience! :)  

Week 2: Waters of Mormon

This weeks challenge was to act upon this..... It asked to look back and remember a time when you have had a "Waters of Mormon" experience. Well what is a Waters of Mormon experience? It gave this chapter to study, Mosiah 18.

The Waters of Mormon was a very special place. I'm sure it was incredibly beautiful with lots of trees and flowers. It had to be the most gorgeous place. But it was so much more beautiful to the people that experienced what they did there. Alma preached unto the people there about the gospel... (kinda like a mission :) ) after preaching the blessings of the gospel and of the true repentance and forgiveness that can be felt through this gospel many people wanted to be baptized.... over 200!!! But unfortunately the practicing of religions was illegal according to the King. But can anyone really ever go against God? He can move mountains... surely He can give these people the promise of baptism. So Alma was instructed to take the people down into the beautiful forest, and in the forest was a beautiful body of water.. (river if I remember right?) and in this river was the most pure water, and one by one Alma took the people and baptized them. Giving them peace and atonement and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

So how can we have a "Waters of Mormon" experience? In my opinion a Water of Mormon experience in our lives today would be any situation where we see God's hand in our lives. Anytime we can find Him in our lives or feel His presence with us is a Waters of Mormon experience. So when have I felt this?

A sure time this week where I can look back and say I had a WoM experience is when I was really struggling this week with Logan being gone. I was just really missing him and devastated I hadn't heard from him. Then I really started to question. What if he's changed? What if he doesn't feel the same? What if he doesn't want to be with me while he's on his mission? What if I'm just a big distraction to him? I just really needed to hear from Logan. Well Sunday night when I was struggling I got down on my knees.... Heavenly Father please let me hear from Logan..... I went to bed that night and woke up to a phone call only 5 hours later. "Makalyn there's a letter here for you!!!" I was so ecstatic!!! I have never sprang out of bed so fast!!! In the letter Logan said everything I need to hear.... He loves me even more than when he left and I him. I know that God loves us and wants us to be happy. I know that He knows what we need long before we can kneel down and ask. I know He wants the best for me and most importantly that He hears and answers prayers. I am so thankful for the Waters of Mormon experience I have had in my life and the people I have been blessed enough to experience them with. I know that my Elder Elison is not only experiencing Waters of Mormon experiences.... but he is literally (like Alma) giving these experiences to those he meets and teaches and hopefully baptizes. I am so thankful for his great example in my life and for Heavenly Fathers comforting hand in my life! <3 :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 1: You are of INFINITE worth!! :)

YAY!! I've been so excited to start this book! So here we go!! :D

Week 1: The first challenge this week was to consider the word "worth". It was so cool cause it seemed like where ever I looked that word popped up. Pinterest.... Church.... etc... It was literally everywhere! So from Wednesday-Saturday I just thought of the word. I thought of my worth, the worth of others, the worth of the scriptures, this gospel... Basically I just tried to think and research about it, then on Sunday I did the scripture reading and then continued to think about it until the week was over. 

So in the first half of the week my thoughts were pretty mediocre. "The worth of souls is great in the sight of God..." etc. etc. But then Sunday I had a lesson in Relief Society that really got me thinking, then when I came home and did the scripture study it just completely changed my entire thoughts. 

You see the first day I started this journey I had just said "good-bye" (if you will) to my boyfriend of 2 years.... for 2 years. He left September 18, 2013 for his mission in the Rapid City South Dakota Mission. And although I couldn't be more excited/proud of him, it is seriously one of the hardest things I have EVER had to do. But anyways our lesson in Relief Society was about our plan and our divinity. And that's what got me thinking. It was so hard to say good-bye to my future eternal companion... Can you imagine how hard it must have been for our Heavenly Father to say "good-bye" to us... His precious child? Then you really start thinking.... Not only did He have to part with us, but to send us down here, to this very mortal world with very mortal experiences. He sent us down here knowing that we would have trials, and illnesses, and sadness, and sorrow, and pain, and temptations, and sins, and guilt, and heartbreak. But how very lucky we are that our Father in Heaven loved us enough to say that "good-bye" and to send us down here. Because although we would experience these not so good things, Heavenly Father knew that we would have experiences down here that would be some of the happiest things we will ever know. Because we came down here we get to have a life, and bodies, and to make life, and be a parent, and grow, and learn, and have temples, and eternal families, and happily ever afters!  

I came home and studied the scripture. 3 Nephi 11. 

Do you know how much God loves you? He loves you so much that He gave his only begotten Son for you. Jesus Christ loves you so much that He offered His life in the most painful, brutal way, He drank from the bitter cup, He took all of your sins and your mistakes, so that YOU could return to live with your Heavenly Father. So that that HARD "good-bye" wouldn't be an ETERNAL good-bye. He did what He did because He loves you. He loves you so much! And all He wants is for us, HIS CHILDREN, HIS BROTHERS AND SISTERS to be HAPPY. That's it. That's all He wants. And when we finally figure out that the only true happiness comes from Him and His gospel, nothing can bring us down. So in conclusion, DO NOT forget your INFINITE worth!! When you feel alone or unloved or unhappy, remember Him. Remember He who loves you. He loves you NO MATTER WHAT! He smiles when you smile and when you cry He matches every tear with one of His own. There is nothing you can ever do to make Him stop loving you! And that is truly comforting to me! 

Introduction to Becoming His! :)

This blog is based off of the book Becoming His by Emily Freeman. This book is written for one purpose and that is to draw you closer to Christ and to truly Become His. If you haven't got this book I highly suggest it. It is really amazing!!!

Becoming His by Emily Freeman for purchase @ Amazon