Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thankful Prayer Challenge :)

This week while surfing the internet like I do I came across a girl who I just love!!! Her name is Al Fox but she is also known as the tattooed Mormon. She is a convert to the church and just got married for time and all eternity to her husband. She is an LDS motivational speaker. She is so AWESOME!! :) 

Anyways on her blog she had challenged herself to a day full of thankful prayer. She picked a day and then set the rules. She would not ask for anything. In all her prayers she would only thank God. I decide to try it. Friday morning I knelt down and said my morning prayer. I thanked God for the things He had given me. It was pretty short sweet and to the point. But I noticed when I said my prayer before scripture study I thanked Him for the scriptures He had given me (rather than asking for His help and for His spirit in my study). It was an incredible scripture study. I read things that I really needed to hear. As I knelt down for my night time prayer I found it being rather lengthy. All the sudden I found myself unable to stop thanking my Heavenly Father for all that He had given me. I was able to really look at His hand in my life and at all the blessings I had been given. I guess what I really learned in this was to 1) not take His blessings for granted. If you woke up with only the things you thanked Heavenly Father for the night before what would you have... and 2) there is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS something to be thankful for! 

I really suggest trying this. It was such a great experience! :)  

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