Sometimes we may feel as though we are drowning. Drowning in pain, drowning in stress, drowning in sorrow, drowning in sin, drowning in loneliness. In these moments of drowning it is so very important that we reach for Him.
There are some phenomenal examples of reaching in the scriptures.
There was Peter and his willingness to reach. When being tossed in the ship upon violent waves the apostles watched our Savior walk upon the water... Peter had a desire to also walk with Christ. After the Savior invited Peter to walk with Him upon the water, Peter stepped out of the water onto the uncertain, crashing waves. For a while Peter walked confidently, but soon Peter began doubting and started to sink. "Lord, save me." and immediately Christ reached out His hand and lifted up Peter.
Another story is of a woman who suffered a terrible blood disease, but after 12 years of suffering and her disease worsening she did not falter. She knew that if she could just reach out and touch Christ, even just His clothes, she would be healed. One day as Jesus was traveling through a larger crowd, she finally got her chance to touch Him. As she reached out and touched His robe He could feel His power leave Him. "Who touched me?" He asked. I could only imagine what she was feeling as she said it was her who had touched Him. But then the Savior kneels down to look at her (in her newly healed body) and said, "Daughter, be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole, now go thy way in peace."
Sometimes I find that I am like Peter or even like the woman. I am sometimes broken, or drowning, or struggling, or doubting.... But with faith I know that if I will just reach for Him... He will reach back. When we reach for Him, He will always reach out to hold us. Sometimes there is a lesson to learn... If the woman could have immediately been healed she wouldn't have had as much faith (or even appreciation) for the miracle of being made whole, but if Peter hadn't have been reached out for and held up immediately he would have drowned. Sometimes His reaching comes immediately, and sometimes it just takes time. But know this, a prayer for strength NEVER goes unanswered.
He knows you. He knows of your hopes and successes and desires and dreams and happiness... but He also knows your pain and sorrows and loneliness and stresses. He knows when you are drowning. And if you are faithfully willing to reach for Him, He will not sit back and watch you sink. He will save you. He will heal you. So please if you are drowning, DO NOT think you are alone. DO NOT turn to something else to take away that pain. REACH FOR HIM AND BE HEALED!!!! <3 :)
I seriously just love your blog! I was so inspired that I went out and bought the book for myself. Thank you for sharing something so wonderful. Gaining a greater relationship with my Savior is exactly what I have been trying to do, and this book makes is that much easier!